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Marriage Union in Bend

We got married!

On our original wedding date, July 4, 2021, we got married! After a year and a half of being engaged, Mark wanted a ring.

Mary, Sarah's mom, hosted us at her beautiful 11 acre farm. We are so thankful for her hard work and her spectacular home!

Thursday, July 1st: Arrival

The ladies had dinner and made flower crowns at Mary's. The men went to Mary's neighbor's, Mel, for dinner and whisky. Of course, the boys took no photos.

Friday, July 2nd: Tubing and dinner by Rod and Robin

We started the day by tubing down the Deschutes River. We had a blast!

That evening, Rod & Robin cooked dinner and it was incredible!!

Saturday, July 3rd: ???

We started the day off at the Bend Farmer's Market. We had a lot of fun exploring the stalls.

Next, we had lunch at a delicious Mexican restaurant, then went to 10 Barrel Brewery for a drink.

We rounded out the day with dinner at Rainshadow Organics, an organic farm that hosts long-table dinners, hosted by Diane & Bob.

Sunday, July 4th: Thank You!

First, a big shout out to our family and friends who made this day happen, decorating, taking photos, helping the bride get ready, dog wrangling, wine purchasing, and so much more. An extra special thank you to Mary who hosted and put so much hard work to organize, prepare, coordinate, buy decorations, and everything that goes into planning and hosting a wedding, even a small one. Just look how beautiful Mary's farm was!

Sunday, July 4th: The Big Day

So yeah, we did the thing! Paul Makl performed a short ceremony where we committed to sharing our lives together and signed the document. We had a wonderful day filled with games and tasty food. It was hot as hell but we didn't let that stop us from creating a magical moment.


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